Now is a good time

To eat, drink and connect.

Your moment

Got something to celebrate? Let's create something worth remembering.


Now is a good time to try less and be more. With this in mind we decided to start Moment. We consider it our fourth child, a manifestation of everything we love: honest food, a good drink, creativity and people. We don't follow any conventions (we don't really know what they are anyway) we simply create something where we'd love to be ourselves.

What we do: serve 100% home made food with a smile
When: Wednesday - Sunday 10am till 3pm (at the moment)

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Currently we are open from 10am till 5pm on the days below:


Would you like to stay connected? Visit and subscribe.


Food is our daily driver. It keeps us occupied, the pursuit to create something simple yet insanely delicious is what keeps us going. During the week you get to enjoy our home made sourdough ciabatta sandwiches, Dutch pancakes and other home made treats. In the weekend we offer the extended version. In order to enjoy this, you need to connect with us through our weekly digest and book online.


Coffee by IncaFé Organic Coffee. Beer on Tap by Shining Peak Brewery. We serve some of the finest wines of New Zealand at a modest price. Bubbles? Of course always. Mixology? We love to, just visit the bar and let us know what you're after. To top it of, we love to keep things reasonable.


There is something spiritual about this place. Whether it's the hazy sky in summer or the crisp breeze in winter, Mount Taranaki brings a specific energy that is hard to grasp. We find this energy uplifting, sometimes heavy, but mostly a humbling experience as it reminds us of how little we are. It is this energy that can also help you connect with yourself. Visit us to work, read a book, regain creativity or connect with those important to you. Now is a good time to be human.

Get your Tickets for Pizza Night

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You have successfully bought tickets for Pizza Night this coming Friday. We look forward to seeing you here soon and please get in touch if you have any questions prior to Friday. Also, connect with us by subscribing to our humble newsletter where we keep you in the loop with upcoming events, menu updates and other good stuff.